WCM Workspace findByName(DocumentTypes.SiteArea, “”) or findByType(DocumentTypes.SiteArea) does not return root level items

When you are developing using the custom WCM API, espcially where I am using, I could not get to the root level site areas at all using the above methods. It was driving me crazy when I went in detail through the documentation where they have mentioned this work around. Use the following method …

Configuring 389 Directory Server for First Use

Pre-config Steps 1. Switch to root id. 2. Ensure that a proper host name has been assigned to the Linux Server. I am running this inside a virtual machine and hence I have created a host name and assigned it to the local loopback address. (Edit the /etc/hosts file). Ensure that the server’s host name …

Installing Portal Express 8 Trial on RedHat Enterprise Linux

Download the following packages from the Trial download IBM site Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install1of6.zip Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install2of6.zipPortal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install3of6.zipPortal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install4of6.zipPortal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install5of6.zipPortal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install6of6.zipPortal_Express_V8.0_Trial_Setup1of2.zipPortal_Express_V8.0_Trial_Setup2of2.zipPortal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_1of3.zipPortal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_2of3.zipPortal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_3of3.zip Create a directory under /tmp cd /tmpmkdir WPScd WPS Unzip all the files using the following commands (assuming all of these exist under /tmp) unzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install1of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install2of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install3of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install4of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install5of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_8.0_Trial_Install6of6.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_V8.0_Trial_Setup1of2.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Express_V8.0_Trial_Setup2of2.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_1of3.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_2of3.zipunzip /tmp/Portal_Exp_Trial_WASND_8.0.0.3_3of3.zip Ensure you have Firefox installed. If not install …

Adding CentOS 6 to RedHat 6

First you need to add the CentOS repository, create this file using your favorite text editor: [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos.repo Adding the following contents, note the ’5′ has to be hardcoded to either 5 or 6 depending on your RHEL version. [centos]name=CentOS $releasever – $basearchbaseurl=http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/centos/5/os/$basearch/enabled=1gpgcheck=0 Once you’ve completed this step, you can now use “yum” …

Creating and running Postgresql on mac

I am using macports for the installation Run sudo port install postgresql92 and then sudo port install postgresql92-server Once the server has been installed, run the following To create a database instance, after install do  sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb sudo su postgres -c ‘/opt/local/lib/postgresql92/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb’ The output you will see The files …

Cross domain single sign on using SAML 2.0 between Service Provider on Weblogic and OpenAM (OpenSSO)

I searched the Internet for articles relating to Single Sign on between OpenAM and a remote service provider hosted on Weblogic 11g. The inspiration and ideas for troubleshooting came from http://www.oracleimg.com/technetwork/articles/entarch/sso-with-saml-099684.html and another site that will add later here. I’m not providing any information about what SAML or what cross domain single sign on is. …

dsccsetup ads-create libfreebl3.so: version `NSSRAWHASH_3.12.3′ not found

On running the dsccsetup ads-create command I received the following error[root@sm1 bin]# ./dsccsetup ads-createChoose password for Directory Service Manager: Confirm password for Directory Service Manager: Creating DSCC registry…[27/Apr/2012:20:00:03 +0100] – ERROR<4167> – Startup  – conn=-1 op=-1 msgId=-1 – System error  Load library /opt/dsee7/lib/pwdstorage-plugin.so: error /opt/dsee7/lib/../lib/private/libfreebl3.so: version `NSSRAWHASH_3.12.3′ not found (required by /lib/libcrypt.so.1)[27/Apr/2012:20:00:03 +0100] – WARNING<4228> – Plugins …