
Foolproof way of transferring WebSphere Portal From Derby to DB2

Ok. I have seen several pieces of documentation on this. Lots of tutorials out there. However all of the sites and tutorials do not have all the steps mentioned clearly. I am trying to make this as comprehensive as possible. Try this on a Trial or test Portal Server, preferably a VM with a Snapshot …

Creating and running Postgresql on mac

I am using macports for the installation Run sudo port install postgresql92 and then sudo port install postgresql92-server Once the server has been installed, run the following To create a database instance, after install do  sudo mkdir -p /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb sudo chown postgres:postgres /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb sudo su postgres -c ‘/opt/local/lib/postgresql92/bin/initdb -D /opt/local/var/db/postgresql92/defaultdb’ The output you will see The files …