RedHat Linux

Create Loop device volumes on CentOS 7 from files

It has been a while since I wrote my previous article. The substance for this article came from the video on YouTube here: What was I trying to do: As a part of production docker configuration, I was playing with devicemapper storage drivers for creating a persistent storage area for containers. Docker documentation allows …

Adding CentOS 6 to RedHat 6

First you need to add the CentOS repository, create this file using your favorite text editor: [root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/centos.repo Adding the following contents, note the ’5′ has to be hardcoded to either 5 or 6 depending on your RHEL version. [centos]name=CentOS $releasever – $basearchbaseurl=$basearch/enabled=1gpgcheck=0 Once you’ve completed this step, you can now use “yum” …